Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day of surrender at the Ford Factory

The room where Let-Gen Yamashita and Lt-Gen Percival met was a simple office in the Ford Motor Factory. The Four British officers, led by Percival who was white as a paper, sat before a large meeting table. Yamashita and other Japanese officials were at the opposite side. Next these questions and answers were exchanged:

Yamashita: unconditional surrender. Yes or No?

Percival: Answers will be given tomorrow morning.

Yamashita: Tomorrow? Why tomorrow? Our army will make a night attack tonight.

Percival: Please wait until 11.30 p.m. (Japan time)

Yamashita: Up to 11.30 p.m. our soldiers will attack until that time 

Percival ... ..

Yamashita: I asked clearly. Unconditional surrender. Yes or No!

When Lieutenant General Yamashita banged his clenched fist on the table with a hard voice, Percival said: "Yes" and signed the surrender document.

That was 7:50 p.m. on February 15, 1942 .Britain's 100 years dream of a far eastern empire is broken.

This is now a deeply emotional moment for the Japanese, who would later rename Singapore "Syonan" (Southern Light). 

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